vetsuture® PGA - Pletena in prevlecena nit - Poliglikolna kislina - Sterilni ivi, ki se resorbirajo - Srednjerocna resorpcija (60-90 dni)
Sterilni ivi, ki se resorbirajo - Srednjerocna resorpcija (60-90 dni)
vetsuture® PGA : Pletena in prevlecena nit - Poliglikolna kislina
- ivi in prevezi v sploni kirurgiji
- Miice in aponevroze
- Prevezi za ustavitev krvi |
- visoka odpornost na vlek
- zelo ibka reakcija tkiv
- omejena kapilarnost (premazano)
- ni ucinka age na tkivih |
Ekvivalentni ivi
- B.Braun® Safil®
Poliglikolna kislina
Pletena in prevlecena nit
Sterilni ivi, ki se resorbirajo
Srednjerocna resorpcija (60-90 dni)
Opora za rano: 30 dni
Nit doline 90 cm
Barva: vijolicasta
Sterilnost 5 let
Vet-Suture PGA suture is an absorbable, sterile, surgical suture composed of homopolymers of glycolide (100%). The empirical formula of Vet-Suture's PGA is (C2H2O2)n. Vet-Suture's PGA is coated with unique combinaison of Polycaprolactone and Calcium Sterate for added lubrication and smoothness. Absorbtion begins with loss of tensile strength followed by loss of mass. 80% of the original tensile strengh is retained upto 14 days after surgery. 90% of the original tensile strength is lost at the end of the fourth week post implantation. Absorption of Vet-Suture's PGA is minimal upto 10% in two weeks, 25% of the mass gets absorbed in four weeks, upto 75% in two months and absorption is essentially complete between 75 and 90 days. Vet-Suture's PGA sutures are available dyed with D&C Violet n°2.
Naa paleta ivov PGA
| Nit | igla |
| EP | USP | dolžine | Kružnica | dolžine | Point |
0.3 |
9/0 |
Monofil -30 cm - 11.8" | 3/8 |
6.4mm - 0.25"(200µm) |
2x Spatula |
0.7 |
6/0 |
45cm - 17.7" |
3/8 |
8mm - 0.31"(300µm) |
2x Spatula |
 Sterilnost 5 let
Nae reference