Veterinaere kirurgiske suturer.
Samme kvalitet. Halv pris.

vetsuture® LENE - Polypropylen - Monofilament - Sterile ikke-resorberbare suturer

Sterile ikke-resorberbare suturer

vetsuture® LENE : Polypropylen - Monofilament


- Hud
- brok


- Høj traekstyrke
- Meget lav vaevsreaktion
- Ingen vaegefunktion
- Lav formhukommelse

Tilsvarende suturer

- Ethicon® Prolene®
- B.Braun® Premilene®
- Covidien® Surgipro®

Sterile ikke-resorberbare suturer
90 cm lang tråd
Farve: blå
5 års sterilitet

vetsuture® LENE is a nonabsorbable, sterile, surgical suture, composed of Polypropylene, a synthetic linear Polyolefin. The molecular formula is (C3 H6)n. vetsuture® LENE is colored blue with Phthalocyanine Copper blue, Color Index No.74160, an U.S.F.D.A.approved dye. vetsuture® LENE is monofilament and it is uncoated. vetsuture® LENE meets all the requirements as per United States Pharmacopeia for nonabsorbable Surgical suture. vetsuture® LENE is indicated for use in soft tissue approximation and or ligation, including use in plastic and opthalmic procedures but not for use in cardiovascular and neurological tissues.

Vores sortiment af suturer LENE

EPUSPlang trådBuetlang tråd Point Ethicon B.Braun
LENE1CN 15/0 60cm - 24"3/813mm - 0.52" ReverseCut C-3 DS 13
LENE15CN 1.54/090cm - 35"3/8 19mm - 0.75" ReverseCut FS-2 DS 19
LENE2CN 23/090cm - 35"3/8 24mm - 0.95" ReverseCut FS-1 DS 24
LENE3CN 3 2/0 90cm - 35"3/8 30mm - 1.18" ReverseCut FSL DS 30
LENE5CN 5 2 90cm - 35" 1/2 40mm - 1.57"

ReverseCut CP HS 40

5 års sterilitet


Vores referencer

SAMMENLIGN VORES PRISER MED DEM FRA DIN LEVERANDØR. Vores priser er 30 til 60% billigere.

nål - Vetfire®

Instruction for Use

Last update 2017/04/04 - A brand © Noévia SAS | 2004-2017 - vetsuture - Kontakt os - Overvågning af medicinsk udstyr Follow vetsuture on Twitter Follow vetsuture on Facebook